Dead Lake Association Board Meeting

Dent Sr. Center

10:00 A.M.

October 14, 2024

Present: Ward Arntson, Donna Arntson, Nicki Binczik, Stephanie Johnson, Carolyn Reynolds, Sharon Trudell, Don Janes, Larry Ewer

Absent: Craig Lund

Guest: Trent Strandberg – 651-925-7524 – [email protected]

Called to order at 10:07 by Don Janes

This is Donna and Ward’s last meeting.  Thank you to them for all of the work that they have done!  You guys will be sorely missed.


Motion to accept September 9, 2024 minutes made by Ward seconded by Larry.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Craig


Endowment fund proposals

Still gathering information.

Resort owners gathering

It went well. It was a larger turnout than last year.  Per Trent it is great to get the resorts together as they are on the shoreline most of the day and we have the same concerns.  Per Nicki it was nice to meet the owners that we haven’t met before.

Thank you to Donna for setting it up.


Need a new person to be in charge of the newsletter.  Ideas?

The newsletter is out. Thank you to Carolyn for the article on the bees.  Thank you to those who sent in photos.

If anyone is interested in writing an article that would be great!

Annual Meeting: Where, when, how?

Carolyn believes we should stick to a Saturday. 

Salty Pickle is booked for Aug. 16.  They have a good setup with a large room.  Room is $200ish.  Bar is $200 extra.  Still looking into numbers for cost of the buffet.  They are doing their own catering. This is Carolyn’s favorite.

Thumper Pond.  Room is $200.  They do their own catering.  We have a banquet menu.  The food price seems to be more expensive.

Otter.  Room is smaller.  They cannot handle our event.

Woodshed. Difficult to get a hold of coordinator.  They do not charge for the room.  $20-$25 average per meal.  They do their own catering.  They don’t do Fridays.

Lakeside Golf Course in Perham.  Huge room.  Don’t do their own food.  Left messages with no one responding.

Need to pick a date.

Motion to have the event on August 2 at the Salty Pickle made by Ward seconded by Larry.  Motion carried.

General consensus to find another DNR speaker for the event.

Fundraiser: Where, when, how?

Should we separate the annual meeting and fundraiser?  General consensus is to keep together.

Games are fun.  Carolyn believes we should do the games again. Games are all still located in the DLA shed.

Nominating – We need members – active nominations are sought

Reminder that we need nominations.

Membership-post cards

Nicki brought samples.  Consensus is that they are good.  Recommendation to take Craig off the postcard.  Put Sharon on instead 701-640-3018.

Motion for Nicki to figure out printing made by Ward and seconded by Stephanie.  Motion carried.

MAISRC, RMB, Water Sampling, Spring kick-off

Training is available.  Don to get training dates and get to DLA board.

Spring Kick Off – water sampling.  Denny and Jim do every year.

Rock markers: Materials, lost markers, etc.

We have lost some. 1 marker still out.  Need buoys.  Some are repairable and may make another year. 

Larry to get information on pricing.

Thank you to Mark, Roger and Chad for putting out the markers.

Weed removal:

Need to get some specifics from Ward for future.


Motion to adjourn made by Stephanie, seconded by Sharon. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 11:17

Meeting schedule: Zoom sometime this winter or early spring and then resume regular meetings in May